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Interview of Baja Greece Director

Writer's picture: Press Media OfficePress Media Office

Q: Dear Kostas thank you for this interview. How come and you are involved as Organizer of Baja Greece?

A: Well, the story goes back to 1989 when it was my first participation in Cross Country Rallies in Greece as driver. Since then and every year after, I competed in Greece and abroad until 2008 when I stopped.

In all these years I had the pleasure to meet many persons of the discipline from all over the world and with some of them to keep contact. In 2012, me and 2 other former competitors, Alekos Papathanou and Alekos Apostolidis, we decided to reveal this kind of races in Greece and so the journey as organizer started.

In 2020 we applied for FIA candidate event for European Baja Cup and from that moment we managed to have a fast annual upgrade by FIA. Starting in 2022 and 2023 as part of European Cup, then in 2024 we were part of World Cup and now in 2025 Baja Greece will be part on both World and European Cups. I think that reflects the work that we have done all these years and we are looking forward for more to come in the future.

Organizing Baja Greece is let’s say my hobby. It’s not my occupation even if I spend a lot of time for the preparation of the event. I will stop be involved in Baja Greece as soon as I don’t enjoy organizing it.

Q: Which was the best and which was the worst moment in all these years that you are involved in Organizing Baja Greece?

A: For sure the best moment was in 2022 when the Greek government, the region of Western Macedonia and the Municipality of Argos Orestiko constructed and delivered to Organizers a brand-new HQ building of 640sqm next to Service Park area. This was a huge investment for Baja Greece but also reflected the commitment of the authorities to constantly support the event. I think that there is no other outdoor motorsport event in the world that has at its disposal such kind of permanent infrastructure. This magnificent building is the inheritance that we leave in the area and in Greek motorsport in general.


Now regarding the worst moment, since 2012 we didn’t have any kind of major or minor accident, apart some rollovers with no injuries, I can assume that the worst moment is always the day before the start of the event when adrenaline is on its highest by wondering if we have missed something during the preparation of the event and if all members of organization will perform as scheduled. Anxiety for the final outcome is the worst think that I experience every year along with physical fatigue that once forced me to go to hospital just the day before the start of Baja Greece.

This is why I’m thinking that this cannot continue for many more years and new blood has to take over.


Q: Baja Greece location is in Western Macedonia for the last 11 years which is quite far from Athens where your Club is located. Is this something that challenges on the organization?

A: Western Macedonia is the perfect scenery for Bajas and Cross-Country Rallies. I have travelled in almost any european country that hosts Baja events and I realized that mountain “Vitsi” (where most of Selective Sections are conducted) is unparallel to any other terrain that you find in other countries. “Vitsi” is safe, challenging, requires top strategy approach and driving skills are of the same importance as cars’ performance.

On the other hand, Argos Orestiko, the town where HQ and Service Park is located, has excellent and fast access from Thessaloniki international airport as also from Igoumenitsa port where ferries connect Greece with Italy. The distance between Athens and Western Macedonia is a minor problem that reflects only to money and time spend for come and go and prepare the itinerary and in general the organization.

For sure if we had selected an area closer to big cities like Athens or Thessaloniki or Patra, the organization and the event exposure would be much better. But we focus and invest on the sporting part of the event and how much satisfied competitors will be from the type of Selective Sections and the landscape. So Western Macedonia is for now the winning choice for us.

Q: We have seen a significant drop in the number of competitors between 2023 and 2024 in the FIA but also in the non-FIA race of Baja Greece. What is your comment?

A: In 2023, Baja Greece attracted a total of 83 participants. 49 in FIA European Baja Cup and 34 in the National non-FIA race. These numbers were the best ever achieved considering that only 8 of them were Greeks. Among the 34 non-FIA competitors, 24 were from Italy since Baja Greece was counting for scoring points in Italian Cross Country Championship.

In general, Baja Greece depends a lot to foreign competitors since other Cross Country or Baja events are not existing in Greece. In 2024, FIA upgraded Baja Greece to World Baja Cup switching position with Italian Baja which downgraded to the European Baja Cup.

Unfortunately and without prior notice, Italian ASN decided not include Baja Greece to the 2024 Italian Cross Country Championship. Maybe they got upset that Greece took their position in World Baja Cup. But ok, life is continuing and the ones that are punished from this decision are mostly the Italian competitors who have always rated Baja Greece as the top event of the Italian Championship. I truly wish that Italian ASN will reverse this decision at some moment and Greece to host again the Italian Championship.

So, to answer your question, minus 24 Italian competitors, minus all Israeli teams due to the political situation in their region, minus many FIA competitors that do not follow the World Baja Cup, we came to the significant downfall of entrants in 2024.  Fortunately, we had the strong support by government and regions’ institutions along with our Sponsors so the event budget was not affected significantly.  For 2025 we are very optimistic that participants will be much more than 2024 since the race will be part of WBC and EBC and some obstacles of 2024 will not exist anymore.

Q: Greece hosts a top ranked FIA Baja but at the same moment there are few Greek competitors. Why so?

A: Well, this is a major failure. Not only from our side but also for Greek motorsport in general. A country like Greece with so many places suitable for Cross Country and yet without races. Unfortunately, Baja Greece is the only Cross Country or Baja event that takes place in Greece.

There is no championship, no cup, no other events. Maybe the economic crisis of previous decade, maybe the FIA level on technical regulations for national categories, maybe the lack of other organizers to invest on such complex and long events, all these along with some other reasons, keep the number of Greek competitors to a low level.

But we are optimistic that on the following years this might change.

Q: FIA has revealed the 2025 calendar for W2RC along with World and Regional Baja Cups. What is your first reaction on these?

A: The 2025 calendar is a significant step forward. I believe that reflects the development of the discipline and the interaction among FIA, organizers and Teams.

The presence of events counting simultaneously for World Cup (WBC) and European Cup (EBC) was a constant request from several Teams and Organizers and FIA heard that.

On the other hand, I observe that some races even they struggle to be executed, are still having a place in calendar. It is unpleasant to hear that 2024 Baja Turkey is cancelled. I personally supported for many years the candidacy of Turkey to be part of FIA calendars since I am a close friend with several members of Turkish organizing committee. But the cancellation news was a surprise for me and I am wondering what will happen in 2025. I cross my fingers that the situation in Turkey will not affect our race since there is only 15 days gap between them.


Nevertheless, I think that there are many aspects to be considered by FIA for 2026 so the calendar to be more balanced and more attractive to Teams and competitors.

For example, in Europe we have now 9 events from which 4 count for WBC and EBC and the rest 5 counting only for EBC. From these 9 events of EBC, 4 are conducted in Spain and Portugal.

It is obvious that these 4 events will attract the biggest number of competitors since the majority of them are Spanish and Portuguese. If we consider that in EBC 7 out of 9 races a competitor can score points and if assume that the 4 will be the ones from Spain and Portugal, then the Organizers of Greece, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Turkey will struggle to be one the 3 remaining slots of Teams’ scoring points events.


To make the story short, I think that at the moment we have a “2-gear” events. On the "1st gear" we have the ones in Spain and Portugal and the "2nd gear" is all the rest of the events.


Also, there is still the problem on the dates of each event. For example, in EBC we have 3 events within 1 month. Extemadura in Spain then Turkey (if not cancelled again) and immediately after Greece. All of them within May.

Also Hungary, Poland and Sharish in Portugal are within 1 month. In general, for an amateur or let’s say independent competitor is difficult to follow such calendar. Only well-organized professional Teams can manage the logistics of such program.

On the other hand, W2RC locks its dates and then FIA tries to solve the problems of WBC and EBC calendars. But the majority of the competitors are more or less the same. So, I believe that a new integrated approach should be applied.

Maybe the combination of W2RC with WBC as in 2025 is presented with Ultimate Rally Raid and Baja Portalegre to be run on the same dates under the same organization is an alternative that FIA can study for future implementation.


It is a long ago my proposal that W2RC to include Rally Raid and Baja events in its calendar with different coefficients. Let’s say coefficient depending on sporting days of each event. The final goal should be that WBC to be absorbed by W2RC and the discipline to remain with 1 World Championship and the Regional Baja Cups. In my perspective is peculiar that we have a 3-step pyramid. Regional, World Cup, World Championship.

I think that in the near future the World Cup will have no reason of existence if FIA forms a W2RC including 5 Rally Raids and let’s say 4-5 Bajas. I think a solution like this will upgrade the status and reputation of World Championship.

Q: Baja Greece, former named Rally Greece Offroad, will run its 12th edition in 2025 and its 4th year in FIA calendars. What Teams should expect on this year regarding the sporting part of the event?

A: We are fond of Selective Sections that provide a lot of kilometers and combine different road characteristics and creating challenges for the competitors. In 2025 we would like to present a Selective Section of around 170-180km and for a total of 550+ kilometers throughout the sporting days.

As Organizers we believe that a Baja cannot have small Selective Sections like the ones we saw in some 2024 events where crews had to drive 90km x 3 times or to conclude the entire competition within one day. From our perspective, this is not the Baja concept. On the other hand, long Selective Sections challenge the driving skills, the vehicles’ performance and the strategy of each crew.

Also for 2025, Baja Greece will keep its motto “Safety, Motorsport Spirit, Traditional Greek Hospitality” which diverse it from any other event.

Specially with the issue of safety with which I am very concerned and it is the number one priority. I don’t make discounts on it and I monitor by myself every detail of the safety plan execution.

We are proud that 11 years now we had no accident.

Last but not least, we prepare to introduce a “Spectators Stage” with live TV coverage and livestreaming so to achieve the highest possible publicity of drivers’ efforts and of course to have better exposure of Sponsors and Supporters.

After the conclusion of 2024 Baja Greece we have launched an extensive survey among participants and Teams regarding their view of Baja Greece organization. We are proud that almost all asked persons had excellent or very good impressions about our organization and we work hard to improve these little things that were mentioned to us for improvement. As the majority of competitors expressed to us, Baja Greece is now considered as one of the top organized events in the FIA calendar.

Q: And what Teams should expect in general by your organization? I mean apart the sporting part.

A: We will try to be even better than 2024. First of all, the secretariat personnel is multilingual making the communication process before the rally much easier. This is proven very important from our experience in previous years.

Then, we will keep Entry Fees as low as possible, for FIA and non-FIA competitors. We realize that Entry Fees are not the major expense that a competitor takes into account for taking the decision to go or not to go in an event, but a low Entry Fee from the part of the Organizer is a gesture, a signal I would better say, that organizer appreciates the effort of the competitor to register in the event and that organizer makes every effort to assist him.

Also, we will include in Entry Fee some fees that other events have as additional ones. For example, the participation in Private Tests and Shakedown will be free of charge. Also, there will be no rental cost for NAV-GPS or digital roadbook. More of it, we will offer a massive number of facilities in Service Park without extra cost. Car washing, showers with hot water, wi-fi, and many other services will be available.

In addition, we are preparing a huge opening ceremony and a similar award ceremony at the end of the rally. Least but not last, our media-press personnel will produce a significant amount of work so the exposure of competitors and Teams to be as big as possible. I think any competitor that came in 2024 saw the media work that we accomplished.

Organizers have strong support from Greek Ministry of Sports, the Region of Western Macedonia and Kastoria and of course the Municipality of Argos Orestiko.

In addition we have a long lasting partnership with DESFA as sustainability partner of the event. Also TOYO TIRES and G.MOUNDREAS & Co. SA as Gold Sponsors contribute to our effort. Of course there are several other sponsors that make our work easier.

We are confident that we can present a world class event as it is expected by everyone that will honor us to be there.

Q: Baja Greece is considered by several competitors that Selective Sections give advantage to SSVs and CHALLENGERs due to narrow and twisty roads and ULTIMATE vehicles struggle to be competitive. What is the real situation?

A: Definitely this is not the case and let me explain.

In 2023 and 2024, ULTIMATE vehicles demonstrated their speed in the Selective Sections. Just to give some examples, in 2023 all days there was a lot of mud due to heavy rain. The Portuguese driver Diago Reis with a Toyota HiLux T1+ was placed in 14th position on Prologue Stage but he managed to climb up to 2nd overall before he abandons due to a driving mistake.

On the same year, the overall winner was Krzysztof Holowczyc with an outdated T1 BMW. In 2024 Yazeed AlRajhi with a Toyota HiLux T1+ was always the fastest on any stage when he was not suffering mechanical problems. Baja Greece Selective sections have indeed some parts with narrow and twisty roads but there are also a lot of parts where T1 vehicles can demonstrate their superiority.

In any case Baja Greece is not an easy race and the driving skills are of at most importance so to be combined with vehicles’ performance.

Q: In 2024 Baja Greece you have introduced the IRIS digital roadbook along with RBI Sport Company and the operation by co-pilots some times was challenging. What is your intention for 2025 and onwards?

A: We strongly support RBI effort with NAV-GPS and IRIS roadbook. 2024 was the first ever time that IRIS was used in a FIA event and a lot of conclusions were taken by the feedback we had from co-pilots.

I think that competition among providers like ERTF, Anube, RBI is for the benefit of the discipline and the evolution of the digital roadbook will be much faster. We work closely with RBI so to upgrade hardware such as the remote control and external GPS antenna as also the software and interaction with NAV-GPS. This is a highly sophisticated process and we will have the outcome most probably late February. In any case we observe that apart software or hardware improvements that have to be done, the FIA regulations have also to be adapted to European terrain.

For example, Art. 43.1.6 of FIA CCRSR express that opening radius for a DZ waypoint is 1000 meters and validation is 90 meters. But in a European Selective Section the stages are usually a serpentine line rather a straight one as in desert. So in Europe, 1000 meters may be practically 2000 meters or more and the validation radius of 90 meters may be 200 meters.

Also the arrow that shows the direction towards a waypoint becomes crazy and moves in a 360 degrees, confusing the co-pilots because the vehicle is running in serpentine type roads. Maybe this arrow function must become optional for European Bajas.  

All these small but important details are key factors for the proper work of a digital roadbook as also the NAV-GPS and I wish that FIA will work closely with providers so to introduce some regulation improvements.

In any case, before issuing the 2025 Baja Greece Supplementary Regulations we will decide upon the use of digital roadbook.

Q: If FIA was asking from you just one suggestion so the discipline to be improved, what should you propose?

A: One thing only? Ok. I would propose to establish a working group consisted only by Organizers’ representatives so to have direct feedback and suggestions for the improvement of the discipline and in particular the non-desert events which at the moment are regulated by a CCRSR that is mostly focused to desert.

Q: Are you considering in the following years to host in Greece a W2RC event?

A: Which country wouldn’t like to host W2RC. Specially Greece that has the potential due to the massive forest roads. But such candidacy will require the strong and solid support by the Greek government and regional institutions since the budget of such event skyrockets.

For sure we have proven that we are able to do it from the organizational aspect but for the moment is something that we don’t work on it.

We are focusing to remain in 2026 as part of World and European Cups simultaneously and W2RC maybe come to our interest if it can be combined with World Baja Cup as it is introduced in 2025 to Portugal with Baja Portalegre.

In any case, this is a future conversation but we are not negative to get involved on it.

Q: Your future plans regarding Cross Country and Bajas?

A: I would love to race again to some events just for the experience. These T1+ cars seem to give a lot of pleasure and emotions when you drive them. For sure I would like to run one event in desert and maybe one in Portugal or Spain or Poland.

But these are plans for the future. Now I am focused so Baja Greece to become the top choice of Teams and competitors when drafting their annual race program and of course to stabilize on a permanent basis the financial support of the event from Sponsors and supporters.


Thank you, Kostas, for this interview. I wish you all the best and see you in 2025 Baja Greece.



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